285 Hereford Street Christchurch Central 8011 | Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am -4pm
YWCA Christchurch is a New Zealand registered Charity, Charity number CC20050. Donors will be issued a receipt shortly after the 31st of March each year so they can register a claim with Inland Revenue to receive a rebate of 33.3% of your total donations made to us.
Donate via





Other ways to donate
We have a special group of people who support the YWCA Christchurch regularly called Friend of YWCA. You can download an Automatic Payment form here to start the process or alternatively you can arrange regular payments online through your bank provider.
Our bank details are:
YWCA Christchurch Inc 02 0865 0066674 001.
For your particulars field, add your name and reference FriendofYWCA
Please contact Jo on 03 365 8720 or email and she will provide you with a donation number and be able to offer any assistance required.
Donate by Mail
If you would like to donate by cheque through the mail please provide your contact details, address (also a phone number would be helpful) to enable us to provide a receipt.
Our postal address is YWCA, 285 Hereford Street, Christchurch 8011
Our volunteers make a real difference to the work we do in the community and our programmes. We have a number of ways volunteers can help us from gardener to fundraisers and board members. We also appreciate any help with developing and/or managing our programmes and events.
Call our Site Manager Tania on 03 365 8720 or email
Add your voice to ours and endorse the work we do in the community. Our members form a vital link between the community, our programmes and our governance. Your membership supports the work of the YWCA and its commitment to empowering women. For membership details call Jo on 03 365 8720, email accounts@chchywca.org.nz
A bequest is a special gift you can include in your Will, which can make a significant and lasting difference in the lives of women and children. The money you decide to leave can be used in any way you would prefer. Your independent legal advisor can help you find the right words to make sure your wishes are prepared appropriately.
We seek active partnerships with likeminded groups and organisations to provide a service or programme in the community, or within your organisation. Your support of the YWCA empowers women and strengthens communities
Tangible benefits of a partnership with the YWCA Christchurch Inc include:
Contributing to a well known and trusted brand which has been in Christchurch since 1843
Promotion of organisation name and association with the sponsored project
Networking with other corporate partners and businesses
Marketing and branding value
Demonstrating your community commitment
Companies can contribute to the YWCA by:
Developing cause related marketing campaigns
Offering Gifts in Kind
Offering technical and specialist advice to our volunteers and staff
Contributing financially to programs and services